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I Dare You to Dream

Writer's picture: Coleen HebertColeen Hebert

What is something you have had hidden in your heart for years? If money and time were not an option, what would you do with your life?

I believe that every single person has an answer to this question. Unfortunately, for most of us we allow fear to keep it locked away, deep inside. I want to encourage you to fight the fear and lean in to this dream.

One week ago I loaded up my car and left everything I knew and loved in South Louisiana and headed towards a dream. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to move to a new city. So now I live in Knoxville, Tennessee where I am seeing the Lord provide everyday.

Dreams are usually scary. And if your dream isn't scaring you, then dream bigger. Because you know what? It's possible.

" You aren't headed out to find courage. It's in you, it is blooming, and it is with you as you travel and say yes to things that seem scary."- Annie F. Downs 100 Days to Brave

We serve a God who has unlimited resources and is able to take us places where we could never imagine. He wants to use YOU! He wants to bless YOU!

When you are standing on the line between comfort and discomfort, choose discomfort. Choose to step out of your comfort zone. It will never be the easy option, but it will always be worth it in the long run. When you step out of our comfort zone, you are able to trust God like never before.

Imagine what your life could look like if you lived without fear and you were able to do what you love everyday. Now go for it.

I know that my move to Tennessee will not be easy. I still don't have a job and it is a very slow growth to having community. But I believe with all my heart that the Lord has called me here. And that means He will provide. I can't wait to see where this adventure in to the unknown will lead.

So will you dare to dream? I triple dog dare you.


100 Days to Brave -Annie F. Downs

48 Days to the Work You Love -Dan Miller



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